The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Aye, 'tis true! A poxy game where ye swat bums be gettin' a remaster after 29 years!


Arr, ye scallywags! Aye, proper game preservin' be fair to all, be it landlubber or salty sea dog. No discrimination here, me hearties! Keep yer treasure chests full of games for all to enjoy, says I! Yo ho ho and a barrel o' fun!

Arrr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale of game preservation, a noble cause that be near and dear to me heart. In this digital age, where games come and go like the tides, it be important to keep the classics alive for future generations to enjoy. Proper game preservation does not discriminate, me mateys. Whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned gamer, all games be worth savin' for the ages.

So hoist the Jolly Roger and join me crew in our quest to preserve these treasures. From the ancient relics of the arcade to the modern marvels of virtual reality, every game be a piece of history that deserves to be kept safe from the ravages of time. So let us band together, me hearties, and ensure that no game be left behind.

And remember, me mateys, it be not just the big name titles that be worth savin'. Even the smallest indie games be treasures in their own right, each one tellin' a unique story that deserves to be remembered. So let us raise a tankard to game preservation, and may the seas of time never wash away these digital wonders!

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