The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! This Elden Ring scallywag be dealin' 450,000 damage with but a single blow, aye!


Arrr, me hearties! Miséricorde be the trusty blade o' choice fer any scallywag worth 'is salt. Aye, ye best be thinkin' twice 'fore crossin' paths with a pirate armed with such a deadly weapon! Yarrrr!

Arr mateys, let me tell ye about the fierce and fearsome Miséricorde, the weapon of choice for us swashbuckling pirates of the 17th century! Aye, 'tis a blade like no other, with a long and slender design perfect for quick and deadly strikes.
With Miséricorde in hand, we be slicin' and dicin' through our enemies with ease, leaving no scallywag standin' in our way. 'Tis a weapon that strikes fear into the hearts of our foes, for they know that once the Miséricorde is drawn, there be no escape from its deadly edge.
But beware, me hearties, for the Miséricorde be not just a weapon of destruction, but also a symbol of our cunning and skill in battle. 'Tis a blade that demands respect, for only the most skilled and daring of pirates can wield it with true mastery.
So next time ye set sail on the high seas, remember the power of the Miséricorde, and make sure ye have it by yer side. For with this blade in hand, no enemy can stand in yer way, and the treasure of the seven seas shall be yours for the takin'!

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