The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, after near 7 years, the Monster Hunter Stories be remastered, finally keepin' the long-lost vow!


Arrr, me hearties! News be spreadin' that new content be on its way to our western shores! 'Tis a grand adventure awaitin' us, me thinks. Let's raise a toast to the voyage ahead!

Arrr matey, listen up ye scallywags! Thar be news afoot that be bringin' excitement to our western shores. Yarrr, content that never made it to our land be on its way, and that be a reason to celebrate! No longer will we be missin' out on the treasures that other lands have been keepin' from us.
Thar be tales of far-off lands and exotic wonders that be makin' their way to our doors. We be gettin' a taste of the unknown and the unseen, and that be thrillin' to this old pirate's heart. The thought of new stories and adventures bein' brought to us be fillin' me with a joy like no other.
So hoist the sails and prepare to receive the gift of content that be sailin' our way. Let us welcome it with open arms and open hearts, for it be bringin' us a bit of the unknown and a bit of the exotic. Let us embrace this new era of discovery and exploration, for it be bringin' us closer to the world and all its wonders.

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