The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs! Helldivers 2 be walkin' the plank from Steam in 170 lands! Valve be sendin' refunds, arrr!


Arrr, Steam be a picky scallywag, only givin' back doubloons to them landlubbers who haven't spent more than two hours pillagin' and plunderin' in-game. Aye, 'tis a strange rule indeed for us buccaneers of the digital seas!

Arr matey, listen up ye scurvy dogs! Steam be a generous treasure chest, but don't be expectin' refunds if ye been sailin' the seas for more than two hours in a game. Aye, that be the rule they follow, like a map leadin' to buried gold. If ye find yerself wantin' to return a game after plunderin' it for more than two hours, well, ye be out of luck me hearties.
But fear not, for there be exceptions to every rule in this vast ocean of gaming. If the game be as buggy as a ship with a leaky hull, or if it be as broken as a mast in a storm, then Steam may grant ye a refund even if ye have sailed for more than two hours. But don't be countin' on it, lads and lasses.
So remember, me fellow buccaneers, if ye be wantin' to return a game on Steam, make sure ye haven't spent more than two hours pillagin' and plunderin'. And if ye be havin' a legitimate reason for wantin' a refund, well, may the wind be at yer back and the seas be calm in yer favor!

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