The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, ye scallywags! The Horizon Forbidden West 'Complete Edition' be rated in Singapore! Pray it be comin' to PC, says the fans!


Arrr, me hearties! The latest tome be arrivin' with the treasured Burning Shores DLC in tow. Set sail fer an adventure like no other, with more plunderin' and roguish fun. Avast ye, landlubbers, 'tis a must-have addition to yer collection!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen up, for I have some jolly good news for ye! Avast ye, for a new edition of our beloved game be comin' our way, and it be bringin' along the mighty Burning Shores DLC fer us to enjoy!

Now, what be this DLC ye ask? Well, me mateys, it be addin' a whole new world to explore and pillage! Picture this: sandy beaches, palm trees swaying in the breeze, and the salty smell of the ocean fillin' yer nostrils. Ye'll be sailin' yonder on yer trusty ship, discoverin' uncharted lands and seekin' all sorts o' treasures. It be a pirate's dream come true!

But that's not all, me lads and lasses! This DLC be bringin' with it new quests and challenges that'll test yer mettle. Ye'll be facin' fearsome sea monsters, battlin' rival pirates, and defendin' yer precious loot from scurvy landlubbers. Aye, it be an adventure fit for the bravest of buccaneers!

Now, I must warn ye, me hearties, that this be an exclusive offer with the new edition of the game. So if ye want to embark on this grand adventure, ye better be grabbin' yerself a copy before it sets sail without ye!

So, me fellow pirates, be ready to hoist the anchor and set sail on a brand new voyage with the Burning Shores DLC. It be a treasure trove of excitement and laughter awaitin' ye, so gather yer crew and prepare for an adventure like no other! Arrr!

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