The Booty Report

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Arr, James Gunn be spewin' dreadful news 'bout DCU's latest Bat-flick. 'Tis a scurvy blow to me pirate heart!


Arrr, 'tis a long voyage afore we lay eyes on Damian Wayne, me hearties. Best be preparin' yer patience, for the seas be treacherous and time be passin' slow as a snail's crawl. Savvy?

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and lend yer ears to a tale of epic proportions! Methinks we be waitin' a good while afore we lay our peepers on that scallywag Damian Wayne!

Now, ye see, Damian be the spry young spawn of the infamous Cap'n Batman, aye, the Dark Knight himself! But let me tell ye, he be no ordinary landlubber. Nay, Damian be a feisty little buccaneer, full of mischief and a mouth as sharp as a cutlass!

We be hearin' tales of his exploits, oh aye! They say he be as nimble as a monkey in a crow's nest, jumpin' from rooftops and takin' down villains with the swiftness of a shark attack! But fear not, me hearties, for Damian be on our side, fightin' the good fight against those scurvy scoundrels!

Yet, avast! We can't be expectin' to see him anytime soon. You see, Damian be a young scallywag, and growin' up takes time, just like a barrel of rum needs to age afore it be ready for drinkin'! So, we be waitin' patiently for the lad to come of age and join his father in protectin' the seven seas of Gotham!

But fret not, me hearties, for the wait be worth it! When Damian finally sets foot on deck, ye can be sure there'll be a ruckus like no other! The skies will darken, the waves will rise, and the villains of this here world will be shakin' in their boots!

So, me hearties, batten down the hatches and keep a weather eye on the horizon. For the day we meet Damian Wayne be fast approachin', and it shall be a day of legends! Until then, let's raise a mug o' grog and toast to the adventures yet to come!

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