The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Tom King be settin' sail with Batman 'n Jenny Sparks in a tale o' high adventure on th' high seas!


Arrr! The scribe Tom King and the artist Jeff Spokes be settin' sail on a new Black Label adventure, followin' the exploits o' Jenny Sparks from The Authority. Keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, for this be one tale worth plunderin'!

Arr matey! Gather 'round ye scallywags as I share some news that will shiver yer timbers! Writer Tom King and artist Jeff Spokes be settin' sail on a new adventure in the treacherous waters of the Black Label series. This time, they be focusin' on none other than Jenny Sparks of The Authority!
Now, if ye be wonderin' who this Jenny Sparks be, let me tell ye, she be a fierce lass with powers that'll make even Davy Jones think twice before messin' with her. And with King and Spokes at the helm, there be no doubt that this series be filled with swashbucklin' action and hearty laughs.
So me hearties, prepare to hoist the anchor and set sail on a journey like no other with Jenny Sparks and her crew. With King's witty writin' and Spokes' intricate art, this be a series that'll have ye cryin' with laughter and holdin' onto the edge of yer seats with excitement. So batten down the hatches and get ready for a wild ride through the high seas of the Black Label series!

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