The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Marvel's new mega-capitalist Thor be showin' the horrors o' corporate superhero comics. Aye, beware!


Arrr, does the jest have merit in a true corporate hero tale? Methinks not, matey! 'Tis like a scurvy dog tryin' to wear fancy britches - it just don't fit! Stick to swabbin' the deck, ye scallywag!

Aye, me hearties! Let's be talkin' about this satire in a corporate superhero comic, arrr! Now, ye see, the writers be tryin' to poke fun at them big corporations and their fancy superhero stories. They be makin' jokes about greedy CEOs and soulless mergers, all while wearin' spandex and fightin' villains. It be a right laugh, it be!
But does this satire really hold weight in a corporate superhero comic? Aye, that be the question! Some may argue that it be just a bit o' fun, not meant to be taken too seriously. Others may say that it be a clever way to critique the powers that be while still entertainin' the masses.
Me own opinion? Well, I say that as long as it be entertainin' and makin' ye think a bit, then it be doin' its job just fine. So next time ye be readin' one o' them corporate superhero comics, keep a weather eye out for the satire, me hearties! It be there to entertain, enlighten, and maybe even make ye chuckle a bit. Arrr!

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