The Booty Report

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Yarr, the scallywag behind The Boys be teasin' us with a sneak peek of Homelander in his most fearsome form yet! Aye!


Arrr, back to me abode, but alas, no sweet churros or dashing Tom Holland to be found! Aye, 'tis a sad day indeed when a pirate must make do without his favorite treats and eye candy. Avast, where be me snack and me heartthrob?

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and listen to me tale of a homecoming fit for a scallywag but without any churros or Tom Holland in sight! Imagine me disappointment when I arrived at port and there be no sweet fried dough to be found, only the salty sea air and the cries of seagulls. And as for Tom Holland, the dashing lad who stole many a maiden's heart with his spider-like antics, he be nowhere to be seen!
Instead, I found meself surrounded by a motley crew of landlubbers and scallywags, all ready to celebrate the return of their beloved shipmate. But where be the jesters and the jolly good times? Where be the raucous laughter and the merry-making? It be a dull affair indeed without the promise of churros and the sight of Tom Holland's handsome face.
But fear not, me hearties, for even without the churros and Tom Holland, a pirate's homecoming be a joyous occasion nonetheless. For there be grog to be drunk and tales of adventure to be shared, and the bonds of friendship that be stronger than any stormy sea. So raise yer tankards high and let us toast to the homecoming of a true buccaneer, even if he be lacking in churros and the company of Tom Holland!

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