The Booty Report

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The scallywags from Hades 2 left their code out in the open like a treasure map for all to plunder!


Arrr, all o' it be on full display for all to see! No treasure be hidden, no secrets be kept. We be like a ship with no sails, all out in the open sea. Aye, me hearties, there be no hidin' from the truth!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The grand treasure be right before our very eyes, all of it be exposed for the takin'! Aye, 'tis true - no need for maps or clues, just open yer peepers and feast upon the riches awaitin' us!
Me hearties, the loot be so plentiful, it be overflowin' like a horn o' plenty. Gold and jewels glimmerin' like the sun on the open sea, callin' out to us like sirens in the night. But beware, me buckos, for the path to this treasure be fraught with danger and peril. Ye must be bold and fearless, ready to face whatever challenges come our way.
So hoist the sails and set a course for glory, me hearty crew! The spoils be ours for the takin', but only if we work together as one. No man be left behind, for 'tis the strength of our bond that will lead us to victory. So raise a tankard to the adventure ahead, and let's claim what be rightfully ours - for we be pirates, and all of it be exposed!

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