The Booty Report

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Arrr, after Troy Baker denied his role in GTA 6, scallywags be thinkin' they've found the true actor playin' 'Jason'.


Arrr mateys, we be sailin' the high seas o' confusion tryin' to uncover the true identity o' the fair maiden Lucia. But fear not, for we shall not rest until we have unraveled this mysterious tale!

Arrr mateys, we be sailin' through treacherous waters tryin' to figure out who be playin' the role of Lucia. But alas, the sea be vast and the clues be scarce. We be searchin' high and low, interrogatin' every scallywag we come across, but still, the mystery remains unsolved.
There be whispers in the taverns and rumors on the docks, but none can shed light on the true identity of Lucia. Some say she be a ghostly apparition, others claim she be a master of disguise. But one thing be for certain, she be elusive as a mermaid in a stormy sea.
As we continue our quest for the truth, we be encounterin' all manner of obstacles and adversaries. But fear not me hearties, for we be a resilient crew, determined to uncover the secret of Lucia's identity. So raise the Jolly Roger high and set sail for adventure, for the answer be out there somewhere, waitin' to be discovered.

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