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Avast ye scallywags! 'Twas these games before Baldur's Gate 3 that made D&D's Forgotten Realms a grand fixture on PlayStation!


Arr, avast ye scurvy dogs! Play Magazine be unearthin' the finest PlayStation games that did meld one iconic D&D locale o'er the years. Come, walk the plank into a treasure trove o' gaming delights!

In a jolly twist of fate, Play Magazine has set sail on a grand adventure through the vast seas of PlayStation games, seeking out the finest treasures that have embraced the beloved Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) setting. Arrr, these games be a testament to the creative minds that brought the magic of D&D to the virtual realm of gaming pleasure.

Avast, mateys! The crew of Play Magazine hath gone to great lengths to dig up the most legendary PlayStation games that have intertwined with the fantastical worlds of D&D. From the high seas to the mystical dungeons, these games be a sight to behold, aye.

As they delve deeper into the murky depths of gaming history, Play Magazine hath uncovered a treasure trove of games that have captured the essence of D&D. From Baldur's Gate to Neverwinter Nights, these games have transported us landlubbers into a realm of adventure, where dragons be fierce and dungeons be treacherous.

But fear not, me hearties, for Play Magazine hath not forgotten the newer arrivals to the PlayStation shores. The likes of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Pillars of Eternity have brought forth a new wave of D&D-inspired adventures, keeping the spirit of the olden days alive and well.

So, me fellow scallywags, if ye be yearnin' for a taste of the high-seas excitement or a chance to battle fearsome monsters and discover hidden treasures, look no further than these PlayStation games that have embraced the fantastical realms of D&D. Play Magazine hath done ye a service by exhuming these gems, so raise yer grog and set sail on a grand adventure!

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