The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs behind League of Legends have finally spilled the beans after 14 long years! They've uncovered the foulest pairings in the seven seas, with one poor sod so pitiful, he's claimin' 3 outta the feeble 4!


Avast ye landlubbers! In the grand skirmish betwixt the sorcerer and the mighty mountain, 'tis the mage who be claimin' the vict'ry, without a doubt! Aye, the mage be trouncin' that mountain with his mystical prowess, leavin' naught but rubble in his wake!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round, ye scurvy dogs, for I've got a tale to tell ye in the language of a 17th-century pirate. And mark me words, 'tis a humorous one! Aye, in this here battle of the mage versus the mountain, the mage be the clear victor!

Picture it, ye landlubbers! The mage be standin' tall, clad in robes of mystical power, holdin' a staff cracklin' with potent magic. Look at that mountain, all big and mighty, thinkin' it be invincible. Well, what do ye think the mage does? Casts a spell, o' course!

With a flick of the wrist and a bellowed incantation, the mage be shootin' fireballs at that mountain, watchin' 'em explode upon impact. Flames dance and lick the rocky surface, crackin' boulders and turnin' 'em to rubble. The mountain be tremblin' in fear, but the mage be just gettin' started!

Ye see, me hearties, the mage be wieldin' the power of the elements. A gust of wind sets sail, blowin' the mountain's pebbles sky-high. Lightning be cracklin' in the darkened sky, strikin' the mountain's peak and sendin' sparks flyin'. The mountain be shakin', losin' bits and pieces of itself in the mayhem unleashed by the mage.

And what can the poor mountain do, ye scallywags? Nothin'! It be standin' there, rooted to the ground, takin' blow after blow from the mage's magical onslaught. The mage be dancin' with glee, hollerin' insults at the poor old mountain, who can only quiver in fear.

So, me hearties, if ye ever find yerself in a battle of mage versus mountain, bet yer doubloons on the mage! With their mystical powers and elemental might, they be the clear winners in this tale of magic and destruction. Arr, let this be a lesson to all ye landlubbers, never underestimate the power of a mage!

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