The Booty Report

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Arrr, the captain of The Boys be sayin’, "Though his face be a fright, we’ll let that scallywag shine bright!"


Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as Eric Kripke, the scallywag behind The Boys, spills the beans! He be callin' back Soldier Boy to stir the pot o' mischief in the next season. Aye, he knows how to keep the jolly sea of chaos a-froth! Savvy?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of the raucous seas of television, where the showrunner of "The Boys," Captain Eric Kripke, be steerin' his ship towards a treacherous course! Aye, he be bringin' back that scallywag, Soldier Boy, as the next season's extra villainous blaggard. Ye see, Kripke be thinkin’ the lad’s got more fight left in him than a kraken at a fish fry!

Now, why would the good captain be resurrectin’ this salty sea dog, ye ask? Well, it be a matter of chaos and laughter, savvy? This Soldier Boy, he be like a cannonball in a barrel o' rum—explosive and full o' surprises! Kripke be knowin' that a dash of madness makes the tale all the more interestin’ for landlubbers and seafarers alike. Aye, the crew be needin' some good ol' fashioned mischief to spice up their adventures, lest they fall asleep at the wheel!

So, prepare ye hearts for more hullabaloo as Soldier Boy returns to wreak havoc and tickle yer funny bone. With Kripke at the helm, it be sure to be a wild ride, filled with jests and japes aplenty! Arrr, let the next season commence with a hearty laugh and a bit o’ mayhem!

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