The Booty Report

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Yarr! Like Baldur's Gate 3, Avowed sails with bountiful treasures o' content, yet some may miss the loot!


"Avast ye, me hearties! 'Tis a matter o' utmost importance to us scurvy dogs that ye be able to unearth yer own treasures and pen yer own tales o' adventure on the high seas!"

In the language of a 17th century pirate, in a humorous tone, the idea of "discoverability" and players being the authors of their own experiences is undoubtedly of great importance to us, matey!

Arrr! We be wantin' our players to feel like they've stumbled upon a treasure chest full o' adventures and surprises. We don't be wantin' to hold their hands like a landlubber, no sir! We be lettin' them chart their own course, explore uncharted waters, and uncover hidden gems. It be like a pirate's life, full o' thrills and mysteries!

So, me hearties, we be creatin' games that be offerin' vast open worlds where ye can get lost for days, just like sailin' the seven seas. We be scatterin' clues and hints like breadcrumbs, so ye can solve puzzles and unlock secrets on yer own. Nothin' be more satisfyin' than findin' a buried treasure on a deserted island, knowin' ye did it all yerself!

But beware, me buccaneers! We ain't be makin' it too easy. We be addin' challenges and obstacles, like fearsome sea monsters and treacherous storms, to test yer mettle. Ye gotta earn yer stripes, after all! We be wantin' ye to feel the thrill of victory after a hard-fought battle, not just handin' ye the booty on a silver platter.

Arrr, mateys, we be wantin' ye to be the author of yer own adventure! We be givin' ye the tools and the world, but it be up to ye to make yer mark, to forge yer own path. So, set sail, me hearties, and let the winds of discovery guide ye to untold treasures and endless fun! Yo ho ho!

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