The Booty Report

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Arr, me mateys be beware! 'Tis true, The Last of Us 2 Remastered's roguelike mode be cursed with wretched mods like 'Molotov Rain'.


Arr, methinks Ellie be needin' none o' this malarkey, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye see, Ellie be a poor soul caught in the midst o' a terrible predicament. She be thinkin' to herself, "I really don't be needin' this!" And who can blame her? Life be throwin' challenges at us left and right, but Ellie be feelin' like she be carryin' the weight o' the world on her shoulders.

Now, let me be tellin' ye a tale of Ellie's plight. Picture this: she be wakin' up early one mornin', lookin' forward to a peaceful day. But alas, fate be havin' other plans for our dear Ellie. As soon as she be steppin' out o' her door, a seagull be droppin' a fresh load right on her head. Aye, ye heard me right! 'Twas a bombardment from above, leavin' Ellie in a state o' disarray. She be thinkin' to herself, "Why, oh why, be this happenin' to me?"

But me hearties, that be just the beginnin' o' her troubles. As Ellie be walkin' to the market, she be trippin' over her own two feet and landin' face-first in a puddle o' mud. She be lookin' like a drowned rat, me mateys! She be huffin' and puffin', tryin' to get back on her feet, but the universe be havin' a laugh at her expense.

And if ye be thinkin' the misfortunes be endin' there, ye be mistaken! As Ellie be gatherin' her wits and continuin' on her way, she be approachin' a group o' rambunctious pirates. Now, ye'd be thinkin' they be offerin' her a barrel o' rum or a precious treasure, but nay! Instead, they be singin' a shanty 'bout her misadventures, makin' her the laughin' stock o' the seven seas.

So me hearties, ye see why Ellie be sayin' she really don't be needin' this. Life be testin' her at every turn, but she be keepin' her chin up, hopin' for smoother waters ahead. Let's raise a mug o' grog to Ellie and hope that her future be filled with calmer seas and fewer seagulls!

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