The Booty Report

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Arrr! Aye, a fearsome flick be comin' from the view o' the scallywag himself, with a score fit for Davy Jones! Look out for the new teaser!


He be akin to the fearsome Jason Voorhees, with the added terror of a hundred scurvy-ridden pirates. Aye, ye best be stayin' clear of that scallywag, for he be bringin' a curse upon ye worth than a ship full o' ghosts! Arrr!

Arrr matey, let me tell ye a tale of a scoundrel so vile, he be like Jason Voorhees, only more fearsome and bloodthirsty. This wretched soul be known across the seven seas for his ruthless ways and his insatiable thirst for plunder.

He be a terror to all who cross his path, striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest buccaneers. He be like a ghostly specter, appearing out of thin air to wreak havoc and chaos upon all who dare to challenge him.

His ship be a sight to behold, with tattered sails and a crew of cutthroats so fierce, they make Blackbeard himself look like a mere kitten. He be a force of nature, unstoppable and unyielding in his quest for riches and glory.

So beware, ye who sail the seas, for this fiendish pirate be lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike when ye least expect it. He be like Jason Voorhees, only so much worse, a nightmare come to life on the high seas.

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