The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! At QuakeCon, we be spyin’ Doom's Dark Ages! A shiny glory kill and a cannon-totin' mech! Yo-ho-ho!


Arrr, that be a shield-saw, savvy? Aye, it be helpin' ye sail the vast map like a scallywag dodgin' cannon fire! So grab yer cutlass and hold on tight, for a wild ride awaits, matey!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of the fabled shield-saw, a contraption most curious! Legend has it, this be no ordinary tool, but a magic device used by scallywags to traverse the treacherous map o' the vast seas and lands beyond!

Aye, ye heard it right! This shield-saw be lookin' like a cross betwixt a mighty shield and a saw, fit to make any landlubber’s head spin! They say it slices through the air like a cannonball through the fog, lettin' ye navigate the wildest of waters without so much as a scratch on yer fine pirate attire!

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