The Booty Report

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Arrr! The grand poobah of Studio Ghibli sets sail 'cross the virtual seas of Stardew Valley meets Spirittea. Avast! The rival ships of Steam be sinkin' indie games!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis a tale of woeful tales, as No More Robots lead be unravellin' the mystery o' how them landlubbin' PC launchers be causin' harm to the swashbucklin' indies. 'Tis a treacherous path we tread, me hearties!

Arrr! The grand poobah of Studio Ghibli sets sail 'cross the virtual seas of Stardew Valley meets Spirittea. Avast! The rival ships of Steam be sinkin' indie games!

In a hilarious twist of fate, No More Robots lead, Mike Rose, recently took to Twitter to express his frustrations over the failures of PC launchers and how they are negatively impacting indie game developers. But here's the kicker - he did it all in the language of a 17th-century pirate! Arrr!

Rose embarked on his rant, donning the persona of a peg-legged seafarer, to highlight the challenges that indie developers face when trying to launch their games on various platforms. He bemoaned the lack of support from PC launchers, comparing them to scurvy-ridden rats that scuttle beneath the decks.

With a touch of humor, Rose emphasized how these launchers are not giving indies the exposure they deserve, leaving their games buried amidst a sea of AAA titles. He painted a vivid picture of indie developers as scrappy buccaneers, toiling away in their digital shipyards, only to be met with indifference from the bigwigs in charge.

Among Rose's grievances was the lack of discoverability on PC launchers, which he likened to searching for buried treasure without a trusty map or compass. He raised concerns over the lack of curation, as indie games are left to fend for themselves in treacherous waters, while the behemoth titles enjoy prime spots on the launcher's homepage.

Rose's witty and clever use of pirate lingo not only entertained his followers but also shed light on a serious issue within the gaming industry. He argued that PC launchers need to step up their game, provide better support and visibility for indie titles, and give these underdogs a fighting chance to rise above the waves.

So, in the spirit of this amusing tirade, let's raise our glasses to indie developers, those brave buccaneers of the gaming world, and hope that their future voyages are met with fair winds and a more favorable tide.

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