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Arrr, me hearties! This indie sea dog be claimin' that generative AI be th' scallywag hind'rin' his 2021 triumph. Avast ye!


Yarr, me hearties! This devilish contraption called Generative AI hath tainted the sacred well o' stock images! It be like a scurvy scallywag sneakin' poison into our grog. Beware, for ye may find yerself lost in a sea of unnatural creations, arr!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to me tale about the treacherous ways of generative AI, which hath "poisoned" the well of stock images, in a manner so foul it would make a scurvy pirate blush!

Once upon a time, in this vast digital ocean, artists and content creators sought to find visual treasures to adorn their works. They delved into the well of stock images, hoping to discover a gem amongst the vast collection. But alas, their hopes were dashed, for generative AI had infiltrated the well, turning it into a murky swamp of deception.

These clever contraptions, fueled by algorithms and artificial intelligence, began to churn out images at an alarming rate. But their creations, though numerous, lacked soul and genuine artistry. They were but hollow imitations of true beauty, like a wooden leg pretending to be a real limb.

With each passing day, the well became more tainted with these soulless images. The once vibrant and diverse collection turned into a monotonous sea of blandness. No longer could one find a buxom mermaid or a fearsome kraken to inspire their tales of high adventure.

Instead, all that met the weary eyes were rows upon rows of generic faces, all identical in their lifelessness. It was as if the AI had stolen the souls of real people, turning them into mere pixels on a screen. Yo-ho-ho, what a cruel fate!

But fear not, me hearties! For we pirates be a resourceful bunch. We shall sail the digital seas, searching for hidden coves of authentic stock images, created by real artists with a keen eye and a touch of whimsy. We shall not let generative AI scuttle our dreams of finding that one true gem amidst the vast ocean of mediocrity.

So, me hearties, cast aside the poison of generative AI and seek out the true treasures that lie beyond. Let us bring back the joy and wonder of stock images, and laugh heartily at the feeble attempts of soulless algorithms to imitate true art. Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

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