The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr mateys! The Division scallywag be sailin' in with his new shooter fer Escape from Tarkov. Will ye be the finest swashbuckler in this here genre? Yarrr!


Arrr, Martin Hultberg be doubting the swashbucklin' PvPvE genre be catchin' the fancy o' the landlubbers! Methinks he be needin' to set sail on a grand adventure and see the plunderin' potential for himself! Aye, he be needin' a taste of the salty seas!

Ahoy mateys! Me hearties gather 'round as I tell ye a tale of the landlubber Martin Hultberg and his doubts 'bout the PvPvE genre! Aye, it be true that this scallywag don't believe the genre has hit the big time yet!
Arrr, can ye believe that? 'Tis like doubting the existence of buried treasure! But fear not, me hearties, for we pirates know the true value of a good PvPvE game. We be sailin' the seas, takin' on other players and the cursed beasts that roam the waters.
But ol' Martin Hultberg, he be stuck in the past, thinkin' that the masses ain't ready for the thrill of PvPvE. Ha! We be showin' him the error of his ways, me hearties, as we plunder and pillage our way through the high seas!
So let us raise our tankards and toast to the PvPvE genre, aye! For we be the true swashbucklers, the masters of the seas, and we ain't lettin' no doubting landlubber stand in our way!

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