The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Helldivers 2 captain be sayin' we sail our own ship, no need for Halo quarrels. Aye, unity be key!


Arrr, me hearties! Johan Pilestedt be sayin' "Why be ye comparin'?" Aye, 'tis true, let us not be wastin' our time squabblin' o'er who be better. Let us all just enjoy the grog and plunder together like proper pirates! Arrr!

Arrr, the Helldivers 2 captain be sayin' we sail our own ship, no need for Halo quarrels. Aye, unity be key!

Arr mateys, let me regale ye with the tale of Johan Pilestedt and his wise words of wisdom. This swashbuckling scallywag be sayin', "Why compare?" Aye, ye heard me right! Why waste yer time measurin' yerself against others when ye be a unique treasure in yer own right?
Instead of lookin' at what other scallywags be havin' or doin', focus on yer own journey and be content with yer own booty. Aye, 'tis a fine lesson indeed. Let the other pirates be gossipin' and boastin' while ye sail smoothly on yer own course.
So next time ye be feelin' the urge to compare yerself to another buccaneer, remember the wise words of Johan Pilestedt and ask yerself, "Why compare?" Ye be worth more than all the doubloons in the sea, me hearties!

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