The Booty Report

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Arrr! Helldivers 2 scallywags be crafting a swashbuckling strategy RPG with amorous adventures inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 and Hades 2!


Arrr matey, I be wantin' this game to be full o' hornswagglin' adventures and plunderin'! Let's set sail on a sea of excitement and treasure, with a hearty dose o' horniness to keep us entertained on them long voyages. Arrr!

Arrr! Helldivers 2 scallywags be crafting a swashbuckling strategy RPG with amorous adventures inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 and Hades 2!

Arr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale of a scallywag who be wantin' a game to be as horny as a land lubber with a pocketful o' gold! Aye, ye heard me right, this scurvy dog be lookin' for a game that be full o' lust and desire, just like a fair maiden at a tavern on a Saturday night!
Now, ye may be thinkin' that this be a strange request from a pirate, but let me tell ye, it be true! This buccaneer be wantin' a game that be as steamy as the Caribbean sea on a hot summer's day, with romance as fiery as a cannon blast!
So, me hearties, if ye be lookin' for a game that be full o' passion and intrigue, look no further than the one this scallywag be seekin'! And remember, when ye be playin' this game, make sure to keep a weather eye out for any saucy shenanigans that may come yer way!

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