The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scurvy dogs of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth reckon, 'tis not complete without the madcap antics of the JRPG's extra bits!


Embracin' thar zany side, me hearty! Let us sail 'cross th' treacherous seas of mirth 'n jest, where laughter be th' only booty worth claimin'! Arr, be ye ready to board th' ship o' hilarity? Yaarrr!

Arr, me mateys! Today, we shall be embracin' the zany side o' life, or should I say, "the zany side o' the seven seas"! Aye, me hearties, 'tis time to set sail on a voyage filled with laughter and mirth.
Now, ye see, bein' a pirate in the 17th century means ye gotta have a bit o' fun, or else ye'll go mad with boredom aboard this here ship. So, let's shake off the seriousness and embrace our inner jesters!
Picture this, me lads and lasses: instead of carryin' our trusty swords, we shall wield rubber chickens! A mighty and fearsome weapon indeed! And when we board a rival ship, instead o' shoutin' "Avast, ye scurvy dogs!" we shall bellow, "Avast, ye landlubbers! Prepare to be tickled to tears!"
Now, me hearties, let's not forget about our attire! No more dreary black coats and eye patches! 'Tis time for some flamboyant fashion. Feathered hats, silk stockings, and frilly shirts shall be the new trend on the high seas! Arr, we shall be the most stylish pirates the world has ever seen.
And when it comes to our pirate lingo, we shall embrace the absurd. Instead o' sayin', "Shiver me timbers!" let's exclaim, "Quake me coconuts!" And if a crewmate walks the plank, instead o' sayin', "Farewell, me matey!" we shall bid 'em adieu with a jolly, "Walk the plank, ye scurvy land crab!"
Aye, me hearties, embracin' the zany side be the key to keepin' our pirate spirits high. So, let's hoist the Jolly Roger high, wear a smile on our faces, and spread laughter wherever we go! Remember, a pirate's life may be filled with peril and danger, but that don't mean we can't have a barrel of laughs along the way!

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