The Booty Report

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Arrr, Joel Edgerton be wantin' a part in Apple's Dark Matter series, aye, as he be a fan o' the book!


Avast ye mateys! The captain of the Dark Matter ship, Blake Crouch, spills the beans that scallywag Joel Edgerton was a true hearted fan of the novel before joining the crew. Aye, it be a tale of great fortune and boundless excitement on the high seas!

Arrr, Joel Edgerton be wantin' a part in Apple's Dark Matter series, aye, as he be a fan o' the book!

Arr mateys, gather round ye scallywags and hear this tale of the Dark Matter showrunner and author Blake Crouch! 'Tis said that the star Joel Edgerton was a big fan of the novel before signing on to the show.
Arr, what a fine treasure to behold! The showrunner himself revealed this exclusive information, making us all buckle our swashes in excitement. To think that a star such as Joel Edgerton would be taken by the words of Crouch's novel!
Ye can almost hear the sound of the waves crashing as Edgerton delves into the pages of the book, captivated by the story within. It be a tale of mystery and intrigue, fit for any pirate worth his salt.
So raise a pint of grog to this fine news, me hearties! Let us toast to the success of Dark Matter and the fine crew that be bringing it to life. And may we all find our own hidden treasures in the pages of a good book, just like Joel Edgerton did with Crouch's novel.

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