The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Them scallywags playin' Armored Core 6 be flabbergasted by the sheer might o' the tutorial boss!


Arrr, me hearties be vexed with the scallywag combat, says they. Tis a sorry sight, aye, only filled with frustration!

Arr, me hearties! Tis a tale of woe and frustration that befall the land of gaming, forsooth! Many a scallywag be complainin' 'bout the combat in this here game, and they be doin' so with a heavy heart and a mouth full of curses. It seems that, like a peg-legged buccaneer tryin' to dance the hornpipe, this game's combat be more clumsy than a drunken sailor on a stormy sea.

Now, ye see, some landlubbers be claimin' that the combat be lackin' depth, like a treasure chest without its booty. They be sayin' that it be as simple as a pirate's code, with nary a fancy swordplay move or a strategic maneuver to be found. Aye, 'tis a sad state o' affairs when a pirate's only option be to swing his cutlass like a swabber clearin' the decks!

But, me hearties, there be others who be even more irked by this game's combat. They be sayin' that 'tis unbalanced, like a ship rollin' in a mighty storm. They be feelin' like a scurvy dog tryin' to fight a kraken with naught but a rusty dagger. They be shoutin' from the crow's nest, "Where be the fairness in this treacherous sea of combat?"

But fear not, me mateys, for not all hope be lost. Some clever souls be suggestin' that the game be given a jolly good overhaul, with new mechanics and tricks to make the combat as enjoyable as a bottle of rum. They be sayin' that with a bit o' polish and a sprinkle of magic, this game's combat can be transformed into a swashbucklin' adventure that would make even Blackbeard himself raise an eyebrow.

So, me hearties, whether ye be a landlubber callin' for a change or a scallywag hopin' for a grand transformation, let us unite in our frustration and set sail for a future where this game's combat be as smooth as a calm sea under a starry night. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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