The Booty Report

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Arr! Me hearties, Cocoon, a puzzlin' game, be born from tinkerin' on Zelda's treacherous dungeons, not no Limbo imitation!


Arrr! Cocoon be a creation forged by one o' the devs who be havin' a hand in craftin' the legendary side-scroller! Aye, a game that be makin' hearts flutter like a butterfly in yer belly!

Arr, listen up ye scurvy dogs! I be tellin' ye a tale 'bout a game called Cocoon, created by one of them clever developers who be sailin' the treacherous seas of the gaming world. This game be a side-scroller, just like them ones we used to play on them old arcade machines.

Now, this dev be a real legend in the buccaneerin' world of game development. He be known for creatin' some of the most iconic games in the seas, makin' us landlubbers walk the plank in frustration. But this time, he be settin' sail on a new adventure with Cocoon.

Arr, let me tell ye, this game be a true treasure. It be filled with fancy graphics that be pleasin' to the eye, and the gameplay be as smooth as sailin' on calm waters. Ye be playin' as a little critter, tryin' to escape from a dastardly villain and his scurvy crew. Ye be jumpin' and climbin' your way through treacherous levels, collectin' shiny treasures and avoidin' deadly traps.

But what be makin' this game truly special be the language it be speakin'. It be talkin' like a true 17th century pirate, with all them Old English words and phrases. Ye be hearin' the pirate jargon echoin' through the game, makin' ye feel like a real swashbuckler on a grand adventure.

Picture this, me hearties: ye be walkin' the plank and a voice be shoutin', "Avast! Ye be testin' yer mettle, matey!" or ye be collectin' a shiny gem and ye be hearin', "Arr, ye be addin' to yer treasure hoard, me hearty!" It be a riot, I be tellin' ye!

So, if ye be lookin' for a jolly good time on the high seas of gaming, set sail with Cocoon. It be a game that be makin' ye chuckle with its pirate lingo and keep ye hooked with its addictive gameplay. Raise the anchor, me hearties, and embark on this swashbucklin' adventure! Yo ho ho!

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