The Booty Report

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Arrr, this cursed Metroidvania be a treasure worth plunderin'! 'Tis gained 285% in just 3 days on Kickstarter!


Arrr, me hearties! The lassie be pushin' all the right buttons on Eden's Guardian! She be holdin' the key to me treasure chest, that's for sure. I be keepin' a weather eye on her, savvy?

Arr matey, I be tellin' ye, Eden's Guardian be one fine ship, pushin' all the right buttons and makin' the crew cheer like a pack o' drunken sailors on shore leave! The sails be billowin' like the bosun's belly after a feast, and the deck be shinin' like a mermaid's scales in the moonlight.
But beware, me hearties, for this ship be no ordinary vessel. Nay, it be guarded by the fiercest sea monster ye ever did see, with tentacles as long as the mainmast and a roar that could make a Kraken quake in its boots. But fear not, for the crew be a brave lot, ready to face any danger that comes their way.
So hoist the Jolly Roger, me buckos, and set sail for adventure on the high seas! Eden's Guardian be the ship that will lead us to fame and fortune, with treasure beyond our wildest dreams. But remember, the sea be a fickle mistress, and danger lurks around every corner. So keep yer cutlasses sharp and yer wits about ye, for the journey ahead be fraught with peril and excitement.
But fear not, me hearties, for with Eden's Guardian as our trusty vessel, we shall conquer the seven seas and emerge victorious, with riches untold and a tale that will be sung in taverns for years to come. So set course for glory, me hearties, and let the adventure begin!

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