The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrrr! After sailin' the seas o' MapleStory for 10,000+ hours, this scallywag hits level 299.99, then quits in a fiery rage!


Arr matey, he be now embarking on a grand adventure upon the high seas of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, broadcastin' his quest for all to see. Join him as he battles fierce foes and discovers hidden treasures on his daring voyage! Aye, tis a sight to behold!

Arrr matey, listen up! The scallywag we speak of be none other than our matey, sailin' the high seas of the digital world playin' The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on stream. Aye, ye heard it right! He be embarkin' on a grand adventure, slashin' foes and solvin' puzzles in search of the mystical Triforce.
There be no doubt that this landlubber be entertainin' the crew with his antics and shenanigans as he navigates through the treacherous waters of Hyrule. With his trusty controller in hand, he be face-to-face with mighty bosses and clever dungeons, all for the amusement of his viewers.
His commentary be as sharp as a cutlass, bringin' laughter and joy to all who be watchin'. The way he be interactin' with the game be as if he be talkin' to an old sea dog, makin' the experience all the more enjoyable for those watchin' him.
So gather 'round ye scurvy dogs and tune in to see this brave soul take on the challenges of Ocarina of Time. But beware, for ye might just find yerself hooked on watchin' and joinin' in on the fun. Fair winds and followin' seas to our matey on his digital journey!

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