The Booty Report

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Arrr, this new Blumhouse frightfest be like the treasure of del Toro's finest film. Aye, tis a jolly good scare!


Arr matey, ye hear this news? The fictional captain Jeff Wadlow be spoutin' out that Pan's Labyrinth be inspirin' his new horror flick. Aye, seems this land lubber be dreamin' up tales of terror from the depths of his mind. Arrr!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags! The captain has some news that will make yer timbers shiver with excitement! The legendary director Jeff Wadlow be spillin' the beans on his new horror flick, and it be a tale worth tellin'! He be sayin' that Pan's Labyrinth be a big inspiration for his latest masterpiece, and if that don't make ye want to grab yer popcorn and buckle in for a wild ride, then ye must be a landlubber!
Now, fer those of ye who don't know, Pan's Labyrinth be a fantastical tale of monsters and magic set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War. And if that be any indication of what Wadlow's new horror be bringin' to the table, then we be in for a treat! So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and get ready for a cinematic adventure like no other!
So there ye have it, straight from the horse's mouth! Jeff Wadlow be takin' inspiration from one of the greatest films of all time to bring us a horror flick that be sure to make us jump out of our britches! So grab yer doubloons and head to the nearest theater, because this be one movie ye won't want to miss!

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