The Booty Report

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Arr matey! 'Tis Doctor Who's new matey in Boom - but the surprise guest be leavin' us with many a query!


Arrr, blow me down! Varada Sethu be makin' an unexpected entrance, like a scurvy dog jumpin' outta the rum barrel! Shiver me timbers, what a jolly good show! Ye can bet yer doubloons we be in for a wild ride!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and listen up! The seas were calm and the sun was shining bright when out of nowhere, a wild Varada Sethu appeared! Me hearties were caught off guard by this early appearance, as we weren't expectin' to see 'im until later in the voyage. But there 'e was, struttin' about the deck like 'e owned the place.
We all knew Varada Sethu was a crafty one, always up to some mischief or another. 'E had a way with words and a knack for gettin' out of tight spots. But this time, 'e caught us all off guard with 'is early entrance.
But ye know what they say, the early pirate catches the booty! Varada Sethu wasted no time in makin' 'is presence known on the ship. 'E was talkin' up a storm, crackin' jokes and makin' us all laugh like a bunch of scallywags.
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all - never underestimate the sneakiness of a pirate like Varada Sethu. 'E may be early to the party, but 'e sure knows how to make a grand entrance!

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