The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr matey! In 2024's second update, ye can now scallywag right to the end if ye be maxed out!


Arrr matey! Aye, behold! A shiny new contraption be here to sell yer loot without ye liftin' a finger! Just let it fly off like a seagull with yer treasures, while ye sip rum and laugh like a jolly sea dog! Avast, what a merry trickery!

Ahoy, ye scallywags and landlubbers! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve got a jolly tidin’ to share from the depths of the treasure-filled seas! The clever shipwrights have bestowed upon us a wondrous contraption—the auto-sell feature fer gear! Aye, ye heard me right! No longer will ye need to trudge yer weary bones to the port o’ call to hock yer loot!

This magical gizmo be like a trusty parrot, squawkin’ every time yer gear be ripe fer sellin’. Just set it up, and like a good ol’ sea dog, it’ll do the work fer ye while ye be off huntin’ fer more plunder! Whether ye be sportin’ a rusty cutlass or a pair o' boots that’d make a landlubber weep, this feature’ll lighten yer load faster than a cannonball from a ship’s broadside!

Imagine it, mateys! While ye sip yer rum and sing shanties, yer gear be sellin’ itself faster than a fish can swim! No more fussin’ ’bout with the merchants or hagglin’ over prices—this be a true treasure for the lazy buccaneer! So hoist the sails and set yer course fer auto-sellin’, for the seas be callin’, and we’ve got plunderin’ to do!

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