The Booty Report

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"Arrr, 'tis a scandal of grand proportions! Epic be plunderin' our doubloons with their overpriced garb!"


Arrr mateys, Uncommon and Legendary skins be as rare as a mermaid's kiss these days! The plunderin' for such treasures be as fierce as a sea storm. But fear not, for we pirates be crafty, and we'll find 'em yet!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The days of uncommon and legendary skins be behind us like a ship lost at sea. No longer shall we be coveting these treasures like a pirate after gold. Nay, the winds of change have blown in a new era, where the common skins reign supreme.
But fear not, me hearties, for this be no reason to walk the plank in despair. The common skins may be plentiful as fish in the sea, but that don't mean they lack in charm or style. Why, a well-worn common skin can be just as dashing as a shiny legendary one, if ye know how to wear it right.
So let us raise our tankards in celebration of the common skins, for they be the new black pearl in the sea of skins. Embrace the change, me mateys, and sail forth with confidence in yer new look. And remember, a true pirate be defined not by the skin on his back, but by the courage in his heart and the rum in his belly. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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