The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Do ye reckon Godzilla x Kong hath a scene after the credits? Let's plunder and find out!


Arrrrr, be it worth stayin' aboard when the credits be rollin' on New Empire? Methinks I'd rather walk the plank than miss out on the treasure that be waitin' in the next adventure. Onward, me hearties, to more plunder and pillage!

Arrr, me hearties! When the credits be rollin' on New Empire, ye might be wonderin' if it be worth stickin' around. The answer be as clear as a mermaid's song - aye! Ye never know what treasures be hidin' in them credits. Maybe there be a scene that be settin' up a sequel, or a hidden message from the director. And if ye be likin' the movie, why not show some respect and pay homage to the hard work of all them fine folks who brought it to life?
But if ye be thinkin' ye be wastin' yer time watchin' names scrollin' up the screen, fear not, me mateys. Ye can always use that time to plan yer next adventure - whether it be plunderin' the high seas or just grabbin' a pint at the local tavern. So next time ye be tempted to make a run for it when the credits start rollin', think twice. Who knows what riches and surprises might be waitin' for ye at the end of the cinematic voyage. And remember, it be all in good fun, so why not enjoy the ride while it lasts, arrr!

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