The Booty Report

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Arrrr, Stellar Blade captain be too penniless for a PS1, but upon acquiring one in his scholarly days, Ridge Racer and Final Fantasy be fuel for his game-making ambitions.


Avast ye mateys! Be warned, this here be a wholesome tale fit for all ages. No scurvy language or salty images to be found. So don't ye fret, sit back and enjoy this here content without fear of any unsavory surprises! Arrr!

Arr matey, gather 'round for a tale of laughter and merriment! This be a wholesome warning to all ye scallywags out there, that the content ahead be suitable for all ages and not a single swear word shall pass me lips. Aye, 'tis a rare thing indeed in the world of pirates!
So listen up me hearties, for here be a yarn to tickle ye funny bones and warm ye hearts. Picture this: a crew of pirates, so fearsome and fierce on the high seas, but when it comes to the simple joys of life, they be a bunch of bumbling fools! Imagine a pirate captain, who be known for plundering ships and hoarding treasure, but when it comes to dancing a jig, he be tripping over his own peg leg!
And what about the cook, who be whipping up the most vile concoctions for the crew, but when it comes to baking a cake for a birthday celebration, he be setting the galley on fire! Aye, 'tis a sight to see, me hearties, and a tale to tell for ages to come!
So heed this warning, me fellow pirates, that the content ahead be so wholesome and pure, that ye may find yerselves laughing 'til ye be keeled over in stitches! And remember, even the fiercest of pirates need a good laugh every now and then. Arrr!

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