The Booty Report

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Arr, makin' connections be like a daft stroll, yet 'tis the most delightfully risque game I've partaken in.


Arrr, I had to declare me position on the ship, be I a top or a bottom, whilst the scallywag developer pretended not to be peekin'. 'Twas a tricky situation, but I sailed through with me honor intact. Aye, the seas be full of surprises!

Arrr mateys, let me spin ye a yarn of me latest adventure in the world of gaming. I found meself playin' a game where the developers be askin' me if I be a top or a bottom. Aye, ye heard right, they be wantin' to know me preferences in the language of the boudoir.
But fear not, me hearties, for I be a quick-witted pirate, and I answered in me own cheeky way. I told 'em I be a top when it comes to plunderin' treasures and a bottom when it comes to walkin' the plank.
And as I made me choice, the developers pretended not to be watchin', but we all know they be keepin' a weather eye on me response. But I be not one to be flustered, for I be a pirate through and through, and I be takin' all things in stride, even the most peculiar queries from game developers.
So next time ye find yerself in a game where they be askin' ye personal questions, remember to keep yer wits about ye and answer with a hearty laugh. And if all else fails, just remember to stay true to yerself and let yer pirate spirit shine through, no matter what the question may be.

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