The Booty Report

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Arrr, Julia Garner sets sail with the Fantastic Four crew as the Silver Surfer, aye, not the one ye be thinkin' of!


Arrr, methinks Julia Garner be takin' on the role of the Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four reboot, but 'tis said Norrin Radd be left out in the cold. Aye, shiver me timbers! What be goin' on in the land of Hollywood, I wonder?

Arr matey, have ye heard the news? Julia Garner, a lass of great talent, be takin' on the role of the Silver Surfer in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. But hold yer horses, or should I say, hold yer ships, for 'tis not Norrin Radd that she be playin'. No, no, me hearties, 'tis a twist of fate indeed!
Now, some scallywags may be scratchin' their heads at this news, wonderin' how the Silver Surfer can be anyone other than the noble Norrin Radd. But fear not, me buckos, for 'tis all part of the grand plan of the filmmakers. Perhaps they be plannin' to give the Silver Surfer a new backstory, or a new look, or maybe they just be lookin' to shake things up a bit. Who knows?
So let's raise a tankard of grog to Julia Garner, the new Silver Surfer, and wish her fair winds and smooth sailin' in her new role. And let's keep our eyes peeled for more news on this Fantastic Four reboot, for who knows what other surprises may be in store for us?

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