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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tis the jolly words of Rio Morales, thespian of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, on the significance of proper portrayal: "I've been showered with delightful missives from the game's crew!"


Arr, me hearties! Jacqui Pinol be havin' a jolly good natter with GR+ 'bout joinin' forces with a mighty fine mother o' video games. Aye, she be keepin' the company o' some truly cool lasses, she be!

Jacqui Pinol, in a whimsical and humorous tone, discusses her collaboration with one of the most awesome moms in the video game world in an interview with GR+.
Pinol begins by expressing her excitement at being associated with such a cool character. She mentions how the character's name, "Mom," might not sound impressive, but with her amazing abilities, she is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with.
Pinol goes on to explain that "Mom" possesses incredible multitasking skills. She can handle a variety of tasks simultaneously, such as cooking dinner, helping with homework, and fending off alien invasions, all while maintaining a calm and collected demeanor. Pinol jokes that she can barely handle doing one thing at a time, let alone juggle multiple responsibilities like "Mom" does.
Furthermore, Pinol highlights the character's ability to manage resources efficiently. She mentions how "Mom" can stretch a dollar further than a pirate searching for buried treasure. With her thriftiness, she can provide for her family's needs while also saving up for the latest video game releases.
Pinol also discusses the challenges of bringing a character like "Mom" to life. She mentions the difficulty of capturing the essence of a 17th-century pirate in the character's speech, which adds a delightful touch to the game. Pinol confesses to having a blast practicing her pirate lingo and finding creative ways to incorporate it into her lines.
In conclusion, Pinol expresses her joy and gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such an iconic video game character. She embraces the humor and uniqueness of "Mom" and hopes that players will appreciate and enjoy the character's wit and charm.

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