The Booty Report

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Yarrr! Aye, the wizardry of surgery bewitched the pitcher's arm! Now even scallywag young'uns be gettin' it done.


Arrr, in the year of our Lord 1974, Tommy John entrusted his wounded arm to a wise surgeon. Now, me hearties be wonderin' if this here procedure be too popular among the young scallywags. Avast, the Medscape Medical News be raisin' the alarm!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round and listen to the tale of Tommy John and his bum arm. Back in 1974, he trusted a wise surgeon with his precious limb, and the rest be history. But now, me hearties, there be talk that this fancy procedure be gettin' a bit too much love from the youngins.
Some scallywags be worryin' that the Tommy John surgery bein' done on youngsters too quick-like. Aye, it be a risky business, messin' with young bones and tendons. The experts be raisin' the Jolly Roger on this here trend, sayin' we be needin' to be more careful-like.
So what be the verdict, ye may ask? Be the Tommy John surgery a blessin' or a curse for the young and spry? Only time will tell, me hearties. But for now, let's all raise a glass to Tommy John and his brave journey to fixin' his arm. May we all find the courage to face our own challenges, whether they be on the high seas or in the operating room. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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