The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be needin' t' treat all mates fair 'n square when it comes t' sharin' yer kidneys! Arrr!


Arrr, 'tis be known that keepin' different races and tribes apart be makin' it harder for 'em to find a good kidney transplant. Aye, 'tis a sad state o' affairs indeed, me hearties! So let's all band together and fight fer equal access to livers 'n kidneys for all!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! It be said by those land lubbers at Medscape Medical News that racial and ethnic separation in where ye live can lead to less chance of gettin' a new kidney from a livin' donor. Aye, it be true! If ye be livin' in a neighborhood where yer own kind be kept separate from others, yer chances of gettin' a new kidney be lower. And if ye be near a transplant center in a segregated area, well, ye might as well be lookin' for treasure at the bottom o' the sea!
So me hearties, if ye be needin' a new kidney, ye best be makin' sure ye be livin' in a mixed neighborhood where all kinds o' folks be livin' together. And if ye be near a transplant center, make sure it be in a diverse area where all be welcome. 'Tis a lesson for all ye scurvy dogs out there: segregation be not just bad for society, but for yer health too! So let's raise the Jolly Roger and fight against this injustice, so all can have a fair chance at gettin' the help they need. Arrr!

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