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Arrr, teachin' wee lads and lasses CBT be a jolly way t' battle their scurvy anxiety!


Arr, mateys! Avast ye! In this grand experiment, we found that this fancy newfangled therapy, led by parents and aided by a faraway therapist, be just as good as the old-fashioned CBT. And ye know what? It be savin' time and doubloons for these therapists, too! Yo ho ho!

In a jolly good experiment, mateys, they tried out this fancy new way of treatin' mental health called parent-led digital cognitive behavioral therapy (or CBT, for short). And guess what, it worked just as well as the traditional way! Arrr, that be quite a revelation, me hearties!

Now, what makes this parent-led CBT so special, you might be wonderin'? Well, me lads and lasses, it be all about us parents takin' charge of helpin' our little ones with their mental health struggles. With a bit o' guidance from a therapist, we be learnin' how to use this fancy digital system to deliver the therapy right in the comfort of our own ships.

Not only does this save us precious time and money, but it also be provin' to be just as effective as the traditional CBT. Ain't that somethin'? It be like hittin' two birds with one cannonball, me mateys!

In this grand controlled trial, they be testin' out this new approach on a bunch o' young lads and lasses with anxiety and depression. Some be gettin' the traditional CBT, while others be gettin' the parent-led digital CBT. And what they found, me hearties, be that both groups be seein' improvements in their mental health. Aye, you heard it right!

So, what be the moral of this tale, ye ask? Well, it be showin' us that us parents have the power to help our little scallywags when it comes to their mental health. We don't always need to rely on them fancy therapists. With a bit o' guidance and a sprinkle of technology, we can be the heroes our young ones need!

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