The Booty Report

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Arr matey, Mirikizumab be a fine treasure for them with Crohn's that be severe. Yarrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The miracle tonic known as mirikizumab has been given the thumbs up for treating the dreaded ulcerative colitis. And now, it has also passed the test for helping with Crohn's disease. Aye, 'tis a true treasure indeed!

Arr matey! Avast ye scurvy dogs and listen up! The monoclonal antibody mirikizumab has been given the go-ahead for treatin' ulcerative colitis, and now it's been shown to meet the study goals for respondin' and remittin' in Crohn's disease as well. That's some good news for all ye landlubbers out there sufferin' from these nasty gut diseases. The experts over at Medscape Medical News be reportin' that mirikizumab be provin' its worth in the fight against Crohn's disease, hittin' the mark for both response and remission. That be a big win for the scallywags out there lookin' for relief from their symptoms. So if ye be needin' a new weapon in yer arsenal against Crohn's, mirikizumab might just be the answer ye be lookin' for. So set sail for smoother seas, me hearties, with mirikizumab on yer side. But don't forget to consult with yer ship's doctor before addin' this new treatment to yer regimen. Fair winds and followin' seas to all who be battlin' the dreaded Crohn's disease!"

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