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Yarrr, the wench be feelin' down in the belly o' the ship long afore the wee one be born!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis now believed that a lass be feelin' melancholic not just after spawnin' a wee one, but whilst carryin' 'em in 'er belly! Arrr! The gloom may last fer up to 2 years after the landlubber's birth! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the bearer o' this news, ye scallywags!

In a surprising twist that goes against the popular belief, it seems that the doldrums of maternal depressive symptoms may not just be a postnatal phenomenon, mateys! According to the scallywags at Medscape Medical News, these gloomy symptoms might actually start brewing during pregnancy itself and carry on for a good two years after a lady has brought forth her little treasure into this world.
Arrr, it seems that the currents of scientific thought have shifted, me hearties. No longer should we believe that these depressive clouds only gather once the babe is in the arms of its weary mother. Nay, the storm be brewing even before that, when the wind be whispering secrets of life growing within.
Picture this, me buckos: a woman, with her belly swelling like a treasure chest filled with secrets, feels the weight of sadness weighing her down. It be like a dark cloud hanging over her pirate ship, following her every step. And just when she thinks she's escaped those stormy seas, the cloud be sticking around for up to two years more, like a stubborn barnacle clinging to the hull.
But fear not, me hearties! This be not a curse without any hope for redemption. The wise sages at Medscape Medical News be suggesting that if we recognize these brewing storms early on, we can offer our support to these brave mothers. We can help them weather the tempest by providing them with the care and love they so rightfully deserve.
So, me hearties, let us set sail on a new course, one where we acknowledge the trials faced by our brave mothers-to-be. Let us offer them a helping hand, a listening ear, and perhaps even some pirate jokes to lighten their burden. For in the end, it be not just a tale of sadness, but also a tale of resilience and the power of a crew that be sailing together through the stormy seas of motherhood.

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