The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye be sayin’ that breast cancer potions might bekeepin’ yer noggin sharp from the fog of forgettin’!


Arrr! A grand tale from the high seas of science: it be said that hormone magic may keep the old sea lasses sharp in the noggin whilst wardin' off that scallywag, dementia! Aye, 'tis from a mighty big study, if ye believe the scrolls!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye news from the high seas of science! A grand ol’ study, as big as a kraken, be tellin' us that hormone-modulatin’ therapy, which be helpin' the lasses fight the dreaded scourge of breast cancer, might also be sharin' a hearty handshake with memory savin'! Aye, it seems that some older wenches who be takin' this therapy be findin' themselves less likely to be forgettin' where they buried their treasure!

Now, ye may be wonderin’, what manner of magic is this? Well, this here retrospective study be like a treasure map, revealin’ secrets from the past to help us understand the present! It be suggestin' that while ye be battlin' the beast of breast cancer, ye might just be givin' a good ol' kick to the feared specter of dementia, too! Arrr, it’s a double whammy!

So, me hearties, raise yer tankards to the wonders of science and the brave lasses fightin' their battles! May they sail smoothly through both the storms of cancer and the fogs of forgetfulness! And remember, keep yer wits about ye, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker of lost memories! Yarrr!

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