The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Black scallywags and Native buccaneers be takin' the brunt of cannonball mishaps, aye!


Arrr! Blimey! A band o' landlubber researchers be gatherin' tales o' cannonball wounds and mortal demises from 2019 to 2020 in the good ol' U.S. o' A. They be countin’ the misfortunes among different scallywag crews, all to see who be takin' the most shots! Aye!

Arrr, matey! Black scallywags and Native buccaneers be takin' the brunt of cannonball mishaps, aye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a band o' scallywag researchers who set sail upon the tempestuous seas of data, seeking to chart the treacherous waters of firearm injuries and deaths in the grand ol' U.S. of A. from the year o' 2019 to 2020, arrr!

This motley crew, armed not with cutlasses, but with clipboards and quills, aimed to uncover how many poor souls were caught in the crossfire amongst various racial and ethnic crews. They be scourin' the records like treasure hunters siftin' through the sands of a deserted isle, hopin' to plunder the truth hidden beneath the waves of statistics.

With a hearty laugh and a wink, they toiled away, for they knew the seas of research be fraught with peril and surprises, much like a rum barrel that be just a wee bit too full! As the findings began to surface like a ghost ship in the mist, the revelry of knowledge danced before their eyes, ready to enlighten the landlubbers who be unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows.

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