The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! This study be takin' a close gander at the risk o' MACE with GCs in RA.


"Arrr! Be ye tellin' me that near half o' the landlubbin' RA patients in the United States be fond o' takin' them long-term glucocorticoids, despite previous reckonin' that they be raisin' the MACE in a dose-dependent manner? Savvy, mates! Methinks they be needin' a different course o' treatment!"

'Arrr, me hearties! Listen up! It be a peculiar tale I be tellin' ye today. Seems like those scallywags with rheumatoid arthritis don't be learnin' their lesson, ye see. A bunch o' landlubbers still be usin' them long-term glucocorticoids, even though there be evidence suggestin' they be increasin' MACE, or Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events, in a dose-dependent manner!'

Now, ye might be wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be a glucocorticoid. Well, it be a type o' medicine that be helpin' with inflammation, and it be used to treat all manner of diseases, includin' rheumatoid arthritis. But it seems like some of these RA patients be takin' it for the long haul, without realizin' the dangers that be lurkin' beneath the waves!

The MDedge News be soundin' the warnin' bells, mateys! They be sayin' that up to half o' these RA patients in the United States be ignorin' the risks and continuin' to use these glucocorticoids. Now, I be no doctor, but it be common sense to heed the advice and be cautious when it comes to matters of the heart, ye know?

So, what be this MACE they be speakin' of? Well, it be a fancy term for serious heart problems, like heart attacks and strokes. And here be the twist, me hearties - the more o' these glucocorticoids ye be takin', the greater the risk o' encounterin' such perils!

Now, I be no mathematician, but if there be evidence suggestin' that these drugs be makin' the waters more treacherous, why be these scurvy dogs still takin' 'em? 'Tis a mystery, indeed! But mark me words, me hearties, it be in our best interest to be listenin' to the wise words o' the MDedge News and be steerin' clear of these dangerous waters!

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