The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Be we givin' too many potions to the lasses goin' through the change o' life? Arrr!


Yarrr, them fancy experts be sayin' we be knowin' all about the endin' o' a woman's child-bearin' years. But me thinks talkin' about over-medicalisin' the menopause could be takin' away the power o' the fairer sex. Savvy?

Arrr mateys, the scallywags be sayin' that the menopause be gettin' too much attention from the medical scallywags. The Lancet series be sayin' that we be knowin' all there be to know about the menopause, but some be thinkin' that this could be takin' away the power of the womenfolk.
Some be believin' that by sayin' the menopause be over-medicalised, it be makin' the women feel like they don't be havin' control over their own bodies. They be thinkin' that by dismissin' the medical help, it be underminin' the struggles and challenges that come with the menopause.
But me hearties, be wary of those who be dismissin' the medical advice. The menopause can be a treacherous sea to navigate, and it be important to seek the guidance of the experts. So while some be talkin' about over-medicalisin', remember to listen to the wisdom of the healers and take care of yerself, me hearties. Arrr!

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