The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! ASCO be spillin' the beans on how to deal with the blasted cancer drug shortage!


Arrr! The word be spreadin', mateys! They sayeth ye need some proper counselin' to ease yer troubled hearts and minds. Aye, the lack of supplies be bringin' both patients and providers great distress! Aye, the life of a pirate ain't easy, I tell ye!

In a rather surprising turn of events, a recent guidance has been issued, and it's not about finding hidden treasure or navigating treacherous waters, but about counseling! Yes, you heard it right, counseling. But before you start scratching your head and wondering if you've been transported back to the 17th century, let me explain.
According to this guidance, patients and providers who are facing the painful reality of ongoing shortages are encouraged to seek counseling. Now, I can already hear some of you saying, "Arrr, counseling? What's that got to do with pillaging and plundering?" Well, my dear mates, it seems that in this day and age, psychological distress is no stranger to the high seas.
It appears that this guidance is taking into account the toll that these shortages can have on both patients and providers, causing not only physical strain but also psychological and moral distress. So, if you find yourself feeling down in the dumps because you can't get your hands on that precious bottle of rum or that essential medical supply, fear not! Help is at hand.
But let's not forget the humor in all of this. Picture a group of pirates sitting on a ship, pouring their hearts out to a counselor. They might say things like, "Arrr, me hearties, I can't find me doubloons anywhere, and it's drivin' me mad!" or "I've been searchin' for me eyepatch for weeks, and it's enough to make me cry!"
All jokes aside, it's actually quite commendable that this guidance recognizes the psychological and moral distress that these shortages can cause. So, if you're a pirate or a landlubber struggling with the scarcity of supplies, don't be afraid to seek help. And who knows, maybe in the process, you'll discover a new treasure within yourself.

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