The Booty Report

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Arrr, startin' treatment early be key to fixin' yer creaky joints, says the scallywag doctors!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags say ye must be takin' a DMARD afore ye can plunder the biologic therapy booty. Aye, these insurance rules be makin' a pirate walk the plank! Medscape Medical News be spreadin' the word, so listen up, me mateys!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The findings be showin' that them insurance rules be requirin' patients to be takin' a DMARD afore they can start on biologic therapy. Aye, ye heard me right! Ye gotta be poppin' them DMARDs like a pirate poppin' his rum afore ye can be movin' on to the good stuff.

But let me tell ye, this be no easy task for some patients. They be sufferin' from the side effects of them DMARDs, makin' it a rough journey to get to the biologic therapy. Arrr, it be like tryin' to sail through a storm with a leaky ship!

So what be the solution, ye may ask? Well, maybe them insurance rules need to be reconsidered. Aye, maybe we need to be makin' it easier for patients to access the biologic therapy without havin' to jump through so many hoops. After all, we be talkin' about the health and well-bein' of these patients, arrr!

So let's raise our glasses (or peg legs) to findin' a better way to help these patients on their journey to better health. And remember, always be listenin' to the wise words of yer friendly neighborhood pirate!

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