Arr, seems the scallywags be sufferin' more from the dreaded "stroke" amongst the native folk. Aye, tis a pity.
Arrr! It be said that the risk o' stroke be higher among the Indigenous folk in rich lands than the non-Indigenous scallywags. Aye, the Medscape Medical News be tellin' tales o' this misfortune!
Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! I've got some news to share that be more serious than a shark attack on a moonlit night. It seems that the incidence of stroke be higher among our Indigenous brethren in the rich countries, than among them non-Indigenous folk. Aye, that be a troubling matter indeed.Medscape Medical News be soundin' the alarm on this here issue, warnin' us that our Indigenous shipmates be facin' a greater risk of succumbing to the dreaded stroke than their landlubber counterparts. It be a cause for concern, me hearties.
So let us raise our tankards of grog in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and vow to keep a watchful eye on their health. Let us not rest until we have found a way to lower the risk of stroke among them, and ensure that they can sail the seas of life with the same vigor and strength as any other crew member.